A newborn child qualifies as dependent because the child depends on its parents in order to survive
In the first amendment the U.S. has the freedom of press meaning we can write and publish whatever we want without punishment, this includes both on paper and on the internet
Historically, such measurements were not carried out for demographic purposes but to assess military strength or the tax base. Frequently, the data were not centralized, making analysis difficult. The registration of births and deaths usually was done for legal purposes such as establishing inheritance rights and was not equally relevant to all parts of society.
Demography is the study of a human population, a definable group of people, and of additions to and subtractions from its number. A population is increased by births and immigration and decreased by deaths and emigration. In a "closed population," there is no migration and attention is paid only to reproduction and mortality.
Hope It Helps!!!
The largest number of interest groups are organized around Economic interests.
The cities, for example Durban, would be a coastal plain.There's highlands (mountains), high plateus and rivers and lakes.