Chitinous exoskeleton and segmented bodies.
Phylum Arthropoda are known as jointed legs species which include crabs, spiders, ants, etc. The important characteristic of Arthropoda is they have a hard chitinous exoskeleton that provides them protection and gives flexibility. These phylum species can survive in both terrestrial and marine habitats. Some characteristics of phylum Arthropoda are given below:
1) They have Chitinous exoskeleton which is hardened.
2) Their digestive tract is present at opposite ends of the body and complete with the mouth and anus.
3) They contain jointed limbs.
4) The body structure of these species is showing bilateral symmetry.
A relatively large molecule that has an electrical charge associated with it, regardless if it is full charge or partial. Would require facilitated diffusion to enter a cell.
Eg - complex sugars, or disaccharides - fructose, or amino acids, ions - Na + or Ca +.