The answer would be all of the above.
Electron microscope is a device which is used to see microscopic objects using electon. In this tyoe of microscope electron is thrown on an object whose image is formed on the screen. It resolution power is 10,000X. If the internal structure of an object is to be observed then SEM is used, however for three dimensional structure, TEM is used.
C) it is a polarized molecule, where the oxygen is slightly positive and the hydrogens are slightly negative.
The water molecule is polarized, but the oxygen atom is slightly negative and the hydrogens are slightly positive.
Electronegativity is a property that measures how much an atom will tend to attract electrons towards itself. Because electrons are negatively charged, the more electronegative an atom is, the more negative its partial charge will be.
Oxygen is much more electronegative than hydrogen, and thus it will attract the electrons in the molecule, keeping them away from the hydrogens.
There is no doubt that competition occurs, but less is known about the strength and importance of competition affecting ecosystems. The latter is not easy to get at for living organisms because the role of each organism in the ecosystem needs to be well-known. It is even more difficult for fossil ecosystems because the diet is not fully understood for each species and not all animals have the same preservation potential. Nevertheless, paleontologists have attempted to find evidence for competition between taxa. For example, they have investigated the diversity and abundance through time of two groups thought to have competed with each other by having lived at about the same time and place and having had a similar diet. For example, Sepkoski and colleagues (2000) showed that cyclostome bryozoans became much more diverse in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic, while cheilostome bryozoan diversity declined. Strong competition between these two groups with cyclostomes as the winner is an explanation for this pattern. You recently discovered four new chemical mutagens (#1 - #4), but you do not know what type(s) of mutations these chemicals induce. You exposed E. coli to each chemical individually and observed mutant phenotypes. You then exposed this bacteria to a second known mutagen to observe if the mutations from chemicals #1 - #4 could be reversed. Your data is presented below. Mutations Induced by Mutations Reversed by Chemical EMS Acridine Orange 5-Bromouracil #1 No Yes No #2 Yes No Yes #3 Yes Yes Yes #4 No No No What type(s) of mutations are likely produced by chemical #3? A. transversions B. transitions C. frameshifts What type(s) of mutations are likely produced by chemical #4? A. transversions B. transitions C. frameshifts (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)