For Xenon fluoride, the average bond energy is 132kj/mol
For tetraflouride,the average bond energy is 150.5kj/mol.
For hexaflouride, the average bond energy is 146.5 kj/mol
For xenon fluoride
105/2 = 52.5
For F-F
159/2 = 79.5
Average bond energy of Xe-F = 79.5 + 52.5 = 132kj/mole
For tetraflouride
284/4 = 71
For F-F
159/2 = 79.5
Average bond energy = 79.5 + 71 = 150.5kj/mol
For hexaflouride
402/6 = 67
F-F = 159/2 = 79.5
Average bond energy = 67 + 79.5 = 146.5kj/ mol
it is b and e
<h2>if u look at the words twice you will notice that b and e are both saying the same meanings just in diff rent words way u need to look close on things like that and u will get passing grades </h2>
Albedo is a unit-less, non-dimensional quantity that shows how well a surface reflects solar energy. The value of albedo can vary from 0 to 1, 0 being the black and 1 refers to a white surface. Zero means Surface is a perfect absorber i.e. it absorbs all the incoming rays incidents on it. Albedo 1 means the surface is a perfect reflector.
Albedo usually applies for visible light, even though it may involve some of the infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The average albedo associated with earth surface is 30%
Radio waves have a wavelength between
X rays have a wavelength between 1m and 10km.
=> It is one of the condition of diffraction that the obstacle (coming in the way) must be comparable with the size of the wavelength.
=> This shows, that radio waves have a wavelength which is comparable with the size of buildings and can really easily diffract through it
=> While, X-rays are big enough to diffract through the wall.
So, if an X-ray technician stands behind a wall during the use of her machine, she will remain safe.