lebih lanjut bahwa radio mempunyai fungsi sebagaimana media- media lain yaitu memberikan informasi/to inform, memberikan pendidikan/to educate, memberikan hiburan/to intertain, fungsi memengaruhi/to influence, dan fungsi pengawasan to control.
Furthermore, radio has a function like other media, namely to provide information/to inform, provide education/to educate, provide entertainment/to intertain, function to influence/to influence, and control function to contact.
The answer is "Option A"
A single computer component also known as a single-board computer, it is a total machine, which is built on a single silicon chip with functional devices like microcontroller, (I / O), and storage.
- It normally uses a device, which has a fanless, small-power computation system, and small-profile design.
- This model provides very slow communication between the components of single computers, that's why the given statement is true.
No, this website is not for study groups. It's more of a 'question and answer' website. There is no actual communication on one certain subject. Although I do know a few websites that have worked really well for me,where you can create and participate in study groups;
- studyhall
- getstudyroom
all of these are safe websites that are used by wide variety of students, therefore i'm sure you can find plenty of people interested in learning the same things as you!