The fossil shows evidence of how animals lived on Earth in the past and shows history about animals that may be extinct now or have evolved since then, which would show development in the animal in the fossil.
They are codominant
There are 3 different alleles: IA, IB and i - IA and IB are codominants, i is recessive. Codominance means neither allele can mask the expression of the other and both alleles A and B are expressed in the blood type.
B. Mental status
Respiratory diseases are medical conditions that affect the lungs and breathing capacity, but do not alter the child's mental state, so in assessing the child's breathing, it will not be necessary to evaluate breathing work, chest expansion and sounds of the child's breath. It is not necessary to evaluate the mental states to know if the child has breathing problems.
Some breathing problems are genetic while others are caused by lifestyle or environmental factors. Common breathing problems include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis and sinusitis.
Because the mother cell has divided to give two new daughter cells.
Light-colored coats were selected for on light colored sand