.012 J is going to be your answer
The inner planets are usually rocky because the gravitational pull is stronger closer to the star or in this case the sun. The dust and rocky particles that are left over after a super nova or in a nebula will tend to orbit closer to a proto-star when a solar system is in its early days. In our solar system these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Gases are less dense and will be less affected by the pull of gravity because rocky particles have more mass. The outer planets are gas giants formed from clouds of gas that would be further out in the spinning disk around a proto-star.
In order to read the publications of his peers, or read his own notes of the work
that he did on the previous day, or find his coffee mug on his desk in the lab, the
research scientist must arrange to have each of them illuminated with visible
wavelengths of light, and then he must catch the light reflected from each of them
with his eyes.
Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is in the form of O2, which means it is made up of molecules containing two oxygen atoms. Ozone, however is O3, which means it is made up of molecules containing three oxygen atoms. O2 is what we breath, and what plants release from photosynthesis. Ozone occurs naturally high in the stratosphere, where it absorbs ultraviolet light, protecting us here on the surface from skin cancer. Ozone can also occur closer to the surface of the earth as a pollutant. It is formed from reactions with O2 and chemicals emitted from factories and cars. It comes in the form of smog.
So in general:
Oxygen (O2): Essential to human life
Ozone (O3) in the stratosphere: essential to protecting life on earth
Ozone (O3) on the surface of the earth: toxic to human life, caused by pollution
There are 3 bases before you reach home plate.