The federal regulation that governs how researchers can obtain data about subjects' disciplinary status is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- The mentioned act specifies guidelines for the procedure of acquiring data regarding the disciplinary status of the subject.
- The specified guidelines are separate for the one seeking the data and the one dispensing the data.
- The regulation also specifies the probable punishment and fine applicable in case the data is illegally disclosed or any other provision of the act is breached.
Culture does influence one's lives in many ways. It does come from the people before us usually our ancestors and this then is being pass on from generation to generation thus one cannot escape culture as it is already part of people's lives.
Editorials are typically published on a dedicated page, called the editorial page, which often features letters to the editor from members of the public; the page opposite this page is called the op-ed page and frequently contains opinion pieces (hence the name think pieces) by writers not directly affiliated
The competition, depends alot of geographic location.
Answer KEY
Take This Half of the link and paste it with other link i couldnt do it all in one because brainly said it had innapropiate words