I'm guessing you mean the altitude since boiling point makes no sense.
The question only makes sense if you specify that
you're talking about the same amount of each.
Olive oil . . . . . 120 calories / Tablespoon
Table sugar . . . 22.5 calories / Tablespoon
In equal volumes, olive oil has a little more than
5 times the calories of granulated sugar.
Sesame oil, soybean oil, almond oil, canola oil, corm oil,
cottonseed oil, flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil, palm oil,
macadamia nut oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, walnut oil,
wheatgerm oil, and sunflower oil are all virtually identical
to olive oil in calorie content, but their saturated fat content
is different.
Quality of life differs from individual to individual. It may be taken as family to family to absorb slight variations in individual’s routines. Every person has a say, though there is limited freedom. There are bondages, checks and balances and responses to them in a different way create a visible quality and activity change.
I usually attribute that to the limited (or partial) free will afforded to us by the Creator. That is how He would gauge our performances and possibly clamp approvals or otherwise to every individual performance. That brings in the concept of hell and heaven (limited to those only who believe). Rest: Allah knows best.
Answer: The Preoperational Stage
This is the second stage in Piaget's cognitive development theory and it starts at age 2 through 7.
At this stage, children have learnt language and have learnt to think at a symbolic level but have not learnt how to think logically and are inept at manipulating representations like identifying, transforming, organizing and combining ideas. Due to the absence of logic in reasoning, there can be no abstract thinking