It is called mimicry when a living thing copies the appearance of another living thing as a means of protection.
Mimicry is used primarily by living things as a means for protection and to decrease the chances of the living thing being killed. For example, a frog that is prey to a toad could have bright colors (bright color frogs are often poisonous) that don't mean anything to the frog and it's species, but to the toad, the frog is poisonous and should not be eaten, so the toad does not eat the frog because it is brightly colored.
Without mimicry, the frog would have been eaten because it wouldn't have had looked like a poisonous frog, or something that the toad would avoid.
answer: binary fission
binary fission is when a single celled organism divides to asexually reproduce two new organisms
The inward flow of sodium ions increases the concentration of positively charged cations in the cell and causes depolarization, where the potential of the cell is higher than the cell's resting potential. The sodium channels close at the peak of the action potential, while potassium continues to leave the cell.
hope this helps
most common pattern being found in 65 to 70 percent of all fingerprints