Because atoms is something that pops or has bubbles in it
Phase Difference
When the sound waves have same wavelength, frequency and amplitude we just need the phase difference between them at a particular location to determine whether the waves are in constructive interference or destructive interference.
Interference is a phenomenon in which there is superposition of two coherent waves at a particular location in the medium of propagation.
When the waves are in constructive interference then we get a resultant wave of maximum amplitude and vice-versa in case of destructive interference.
- For constructive interference the waves must have either no phase difference or a phase difference of nλ, where n is any natural number.
- For destructive interference the waves must have a phase difference of n×0.5λ, where n is any odd number.
unbalanced: a turning vehicle, apple falling on the ground, kicking a ball
balanced: floating on water, fruit hanging from tree, tug of war equally balanced teams
Most of the problem depends on which object you observe. For the speed, take the absolute value of the derivative of the polynomial interpolation of position verses time.