If you wanted to add up the total economic assets owned by a person or family minus all debts, you would be measuring wealth. Wealth is the total value of all valuable assets owned by an individual, community, business, or country. Wealth is calculated by deducting all debts from the total market value of all physical and intangible assets owned.
Wealth is the total value of all valuable assets owned by an individual, community, business, or country. Wealth is calculated by deducting all debts from the total market value of all physical and intangible assets owned. Wealth is essentially the accumulation of scarce resources.
To learn more about Wealth, click here.
The translation adjustment is a function of the foreign subsidiary's net assets.
The motivation for consumption comes from individual needs and desires, which may occur consciously and unconsciously. To meet their needs and wants, people identify and buy products and services that are compatible with their satisfaction.
There are several surveys and studies that seek to identify consumer behavior and explain how the purchasing decision process occurs. One of the most widespread theories in the world is Maslow's theory, which presented a hierarchy of needs that aims to identify a priority system of human needs satisfaction, divided into five parts, which are arranged in order of importance:
- physiological,
- safety,
- love,
- esteem and
- self-actualization
This theory is of great relevance to help marketers target their strategy according to the priority and need of individuals, including in their campaigns messages that send the consumer a sense of urgency for the product or service, directing marketing communication to the bottom of the hierarchy, which is the consumer's priority.
dilation of the pupil and loss of accommodation
Mydriasis is the dilation of the pupil of the eye. The dilation causes vision to be blurry.
Cycloplegia on the other hand is the loss of accommodation of the pupil and it is caused by the paralysis of the cilliary muscle of the eye. This paralysis causes the eyes to lose its ability to focus on things nearby.
Looking at this two conditions from the administration of atropine, the expected outcome of the client is blurry vision and inability to focus or see things close by(farsightedness).
I hope this helps.