1.) Go get bag of pet food from cabinet
2.) Set the bag on counter
3.) Get pet food dish out of cabinet
4.) Open pet food bag, pour pet food into dish
5.) Close bag, give dish to pet.
Excel - "Merge". This will also center the text, which may or may not be desired.
A parameter is a variable/argument of a function that are placed between the parentheses in the function's definition.
Hope this is clear :)
Remember, an algorithm in simple words means a set of instructions or steps to be followed in other to solve a problem.
Note, to decide which commute is cheaper, it means the output of the algorithm should be the cheaper way to commute.
Using pseudocode do the following;
- determine the inputs and outputs of the problem
- arrange the identified problem into micro-tasks
- describe each micro-tasks in the pseudocode
- Test the pseudocode by solving the problem.