Hello Pgoodrichstat!
The process that helps gas exchange occur is called diffusion.
She should use the example of "the wave" in stadiums to illustrate the idea of a nerve impulse.
"The wave" in a sport stadium is a good example to explain how a nerve impulse works because it shows how an action potential travels from one point to its destination making changes in the membrane potential that would be the equivalent of people standing up and sitting down to allow the next row to do the same to reach its final destination.
giraffes necks consists a tall bone like structure called notochord which gives support to the skeletal system like how do we have backbone
Through natural selection the disease gain immunity to the antibiotic.
As the antibiotic kills off the members of the population that are not resistant, leaving only the resistant members. These members then reproduce, passing the immunity to their offspring, causing the population to become immune.
Carbon dioxide is the waste released