By using S>T>O>P you should first remind your friend how it's not safe to and if they call you a coward just tell them the accidents and how it will affect them and they may regret they're life decisions based on what they are going to do.
As you know doing such stuff may be unsafe and may effect your body by hurting or injurying yourself so tell your friends about how they shouldnt do it without parental supervision of any sort and make sure she wears saftey gears if she plans on actually doing it.
Vaccination has been one of the most successful developments of medical science because for centuries it has been proven effective in diminishing the number of people at risk on certain kinds of diseases. How does vaccination help? Vaccines are contained weakened organisms that are injected to the body. This then boosts the immune system as they release a certain type of cells to combat with the foreign organisms. When the person is exposed to the same organisms again, he/she will develop immunity.
Child Labor Law is the correct answer.
Sit up have both an upper body and lower body rating
The ICD of severity component the DSM impairment levels of personally functioning, they also add to them.It provides a separate list of explicit emotional, cognitive and behavioral manifestations to help determine the severity of an individual personality disorder.
DSM -5 list some specific personality disorders such as schizoid, antisocial,borderline, hist-ionic , narcissistic , avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive disorder. DSM -4 and DSM -5 is the elimination of multi axial system , which approached psychiatric assessment and organization of psychophysiology information using a multi axial formulation.
Theses grouped in DSM-5 organised sequence with the development lifespan, which is evident with disorders typically diagnosed in childhood detailed first, followed by those in adolescence or later life.
To learn more about DSM -5 here