Surface Irrigation. Water is scattered equally throughout the land with the help of gravitational pull and it doesn’t require a machine to take care of it.
Localized Irrigation. Water is scattered throughout the land under low pressure.
Drip Irrigation. In this process of drip irrigation, the water drops fall on the root of every plant that is around the system.
The unfiltered polluted water is not clear and is yellowish in color. The filtered polluted water is clear with a little bit of yellow color. The pH readings are beyond the range in which organisms can grow. Based on these observations, I can conclude that even though water may look clean, it could actually not be clean or it can still be harmful to living things.
-Atoms are neutral; they contain the same number of protons as electrons. By definition, an ion is an electrically charged particle produced by either removing electrons from a neutral atom to give a positive ion or adding electrons to a neutral atom to give a negative ion.
-An atom has an equal number of protons and electrons. An ion has an imbalance between the number of protons and electrons.
-An atom has no electrical charge. Ions have an electrical charge because they have an imbalance of protons and electrons.
A cheerful teen willing to help,
wishing you a splendiferous day,
stay salty...
Then there should be mostly 91 nails
C. Rate = k[H2]^2[O2]
Rate law only cares about REACTANTS. Since, rate law can only be determined experimentally, I am assuming the given reaction mechanism is elementary reaction from which we can write the rate law.
Only H2 and O2 are part of rate law since they are reactants and also the coefficient in front of H2 goes as exponent on rate law to indicate the order of H2 in the reaction.
Rate= k [H2]^2 [O2]