Catastrophic Health Insurance. Catastrophic health insurance is a type of medical coverage under the Affordable Care Act. ... Catastrophic plans are designed to protect you in a worst-case scenario; for example, if you get into a medical emergency and your medical costs total thousands of dollars.
The maximum height at which the container of fluid should be held by the nurse when administering this enema is 37cm (15 inches).
What is a cleansing enema and what is its function?
It is an injection into the rectum or colon for stimulating bowel movement. It is used to clear lower half of the large bowel.
Some of the cleansing enemas include Water or saline that mimics sodium concentration and expands the colon and mechanically promote defecation.
This procedure is used in:
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Backaches.
For a high colonic enema, the fluid must extend higher in the colon. If the height of the enema fluid container above the anus is increased, the force and rate of flow also increases.
- 30 cm (12 inches) is too low for a cleansing enema.
- The height of 51 cm (20 inches) and 66 cm (26 inches) ae too high and may cause mucosal injury.
Hence, the maximum height of the container held by the nurse is 37 cm (15 inches).
Learn more about high cleansing enema from the link given below:
First of i dont drive because i am a minor but i do eat while I am in a car . And i do walk or stand while eating because its food and I might be hungry so that is why I will do that. Now when I eat with my friends I am always about to choke because they always make me laugh while i am eating. But overall i really do enjoy eating and spending time with them . With my famiky it is the same because I enjoy the food that my parents make me but i cant laugh too much because my mom will say to stop laughing and eat so that I wont choke.
it should be high, comfortable to the patient.
so that the patient cannot get hate
The physical changes during puberty are due to <u>secondary sex characteristics</u>
Origin: Secondary sex characteristics in male typically originate at the onset and develop during puberty from 9-16 years.
Mechanism: The hypothalamus of the brain initiates the release of follicular stimulating and leutinizing hormones which trigger the Sertoli cells of the testes to begin spermatogenesis and the interstitial cells of Leydig to produce the male sex hormone testosterone.
It is this release of testosterone that leads to the development of secondary sexual characteristics like:
- Muscular and strong body
- Deepening of voice
- Growth of facial, axillary (underarm) and pubic hair
- Enlargement of reproductive organs like the scrotum, testes, etc; along with penis lengthening
- Spermatogenesis begins along with feelings of sexual drive during this adolescent period