Answer: As a red photon has a twice of the wavelegth to the violet photon then the red photon has half energy of the violet photon.
Explanation: In order to explain the above statement we have to consider the Plack postulate where the energy of photons depend directely of the frequency . As the wavelength and frequency are related by :
c= λ*υ c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength and υ the frequency of the photon
so the energy of photons are inversely proportional to the wavelength.
As a consequence twice wavelengtht means half energy for the photon.
How do we have water at our disposal, like that's crazy.
A vibration or oscillation is a periodically repeated reversal of the direction of movement.
Une vibration ou une oscillation est une inversion répétée périodiquement de la direction du mouvement.
Here is just another definition.
A vibration is periodic back-and-forth motion centerd around it's equilibrium.
It makes an echo and it circles around it.
The speed of Susan is 2.37 m/s
To visualize better this problem, we need to draw a free body diagram.
the work is defined as:

here we have the work done by Paul and the friction force, so:

Now the change of energy is: