the velocity graph of a ball mass 20mg moving along a straight line
Answer: I think its 120
Explanation: thx for the free points :)
A cosmic year is 365.25 days, some times called a side real year and is just the time it takes for us to go round the sun once.
A light year is the distance light travels in a year. Now light travels at about 186,262 miles a Second! Which is not slow by any ones book.
An experiment was conducted just after Christmas a few years ago. Two girls were selected from the audience and went into two phone boxes a few feet apart. They could only hear each other via the phones. The phone call went to a ground station about 200 miles away, then up to a geostationary coms satellite, back to a ground station 1/3 of the way around the world, then repeated, with a third satellite before being sent from another ground station back to London and the other phone box. We the audience could hear both sides of the conversation from both boxes. And could hear the delay between sending and receiving. So even at the speed of light, there was about 1.5 seconds of delay. So because distances in space are so vast that saying a star is x millions of miles away causes problems, you run out of zero’s! So our nearest other star is about 4.5 light years away. Our sun (our nearest start) is about 8 light minuets away. Varies slightly as our orbit is not 100% cirular.
This is for the reason that individuals are not continually taking a gander at precisely the same, and on the grounds that individuals' psyches of ten work distinctively and process data in marginally extraordinary ways getting diverse understandings of similar information.