The vacuum tube was replaced with transistor.
- The invention of semiconductor was very useful in making solid state transistor that allowed the production of small yet faster, cheaper, and more trusted and reliable computers.
- These solid state transistor is so often used that, it nearly replaced all the use of transistor.
- This replacement took place after the invention of semiconductor in the year around 1940.
- Vacuum tubes also known as thermionic tubes are not used anymore in computers and electronics.
maybe you shouldn't type random stuff as answers to earn free points. so here's karma
by adding all the numbers
The mass of an object expresses the amount of matter it comprises. Which implies that objects with higher mass contains higher matter compared to objects with lesser masses. Thereby it determines the measure of inertia experienced by an object when a force is applied to change its direction of motion, or to set it in motion when at rest, or bring it to rest when in motion.
The mass of an object the same no matter its location, and it is measured in kilograms.
The planet closest to the sun; Mercury.