I would put, A substance has two different parts of it, a pure substance and a compound and mixtures have two as well called, homogenous mixtures and hetrogeneous mixtures.
A monocrop is a non example of biodiversity because it contains only one species, such as all corn, therefore there is very little biodiversity.
Particles of the substance have the most kinetic energy when the substance is(a)1. A gas. The part of the graph that represents where the substance has the least amount of potential energy is labeled(b)1. Solid.
Gas molecules have the highest average velocities among the three states of matter so gas has the highest kinetic energy. During freezing, a substance loses a lot of potential energy so solid has the least potential energy.
For terrestrial animals, grazing is normally distinguished from browsing in that grazing is eating grass or forbs, and browsing is eating woody twigs and leaves from trees and shrubs. Grazing differs from true predation because the organism being grazed upon is not generally killed.