A loss occurs when something or someone in our lives is no longer available to us. Many times, these losses cause both physical and emotional stress, which must be managed....
The correct answer is B terpentation
Trepanation consisted on drilling a hole on a person's skull to relieve the pressure of blood after an injury and treat intercranial diseases. It is presumed this surgery exists from the Neolithic Age and has been done first by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Indians.
An "eponym" is derived from the <em>discoverer's name </em>and it is used to name a person, place or thing, such as a<em> disease, structure, operation, procedure, etc</em>. One popular example of this is the "Hartnup disease." This is a metabolic disorder of the body which was seen in the Hartnup family of England. Around 4 members of the family carried the disease with them and were studied for it. Thus, the name was derived from their family name. Another example is the Ford Motor Company which was named after the founder, <em>Henry Ford.</em>
Bad cholesterol and really low hdl or good
High blood pressure or uncontrolled hypertension
Uncontrolled stress or anger
Vitamin E, Iodine
, Zinc, Vitamin A