A middle-aged woman known as SM blithely reaches for poisonous snakes, giggles in haunted houses and once, upon escaping the clutches of a knife-wielding man, didn't run but calmly walked away. Because of this brain damage, the woman knows no fear, the researchers found
A nerve impulse is a way nerve cells (neurons) communicate with one another. Nerve impulses are mostly electrical signals along the dendrites to produce a nerve impulse or action potential. The action potential is the result of ions moving in and out of the cell.
A nerve impulse travels from the dendritic end towards the axonal end. The chemicals released from the axonal end of one neuron cross the synapse and generate a similar electrical impulse in a dendrite of another neuron. A neuron transmits electrical impulses not only to another neuron but also to muscle and gland cells.
I think it would be compared to computer
Answer: Use of steroids can damage the normal productions of hormones in the body .</h2>
- Sometimes changes can be reversed , for e.g. : decreased sperm production , or decreased function of the testes.
Explanation: What systems of the body are affected by steroids ?
- Those are cognitive , memory , behavioural , brain development and reproduction system.
To know more about steroid hormone,