How could you use a model to show the cause-and-effect relationship between Earth's rotation and the apparent motion of the stars across the night sky?
Gravity? or density because of the pull from the sun.
HCl and KCl
- Strong electrolytes are strong bases and acids.
- HCl is a strong acid; it dissociates completely to form H+ and Cl- ions. Thus, it is a strong, rather than weak, electrolyte.
- CH3COOH is acetic acid, a weak acid. Only some of it will dissociate (to H+ and acetate ions), thus, it will only be a weak electrolyte.
- NH3 will react with water as a weak base: NH3 + H2O → NH4+ + OH-. It will thus also be a weak electrolyte.
- KCl is a soluble ionic compound, and as such, it will be a strong electrolyte.
Answer: it's easy just think about it:
weight: the weight of an object is the force acting on the object due to gravity.
mass: Mass is the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object.
in total: The mass of an object is a measure of the object's inertial property, or the amount of matter it contains. The weight of an object is a measure of the force exerted on the object by gravity, or the force needed to support it.
Happy to help!
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Hence, the magnetic behaviour of the complex is paramagnetic. The oxidation number of the central metal atom: The oxidation number of the metal iron is +3.
B. The Shell
The shell covers and surrounds whats inside. It protects it!