The food is thawing when you just leave it out
If revealing your piercings during travel is unacceptable, wear nonmetallic jewelry. Quality metal body jewelry is non-ferromagnetic and will not set off the large walk-through metal detectors. ... You can still wear your metal piercing jewelry when you travel, and the TSA will not ask you to remove them.
dynamic stretch
The type of stretch that is best suited as part of a cool down is static stress; dynamic stretch on the other hand is best included as part of a warm up. Regular stretch exercises help to improve flexibility, increases range of motion, and decreases the risk of injury.
The answer is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD.)
IDK how to explain this, it has been a long time since I took biology. I hope this helps and that you have a magnificent day!!!!!!!!!! Stay safe!!!!!!!!!!!