1. Law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, for example, windmills take kinetic energy(movement energy) and convert it into electrical energy using gears and a generator as well as the blades.
so this supports it because the pendulum never reaches the same height twice unless you reset it so the energy is always getting less and less and not randomly getting back onto the pendulum.
2.Gravity, friction and air resistance slow it down as well
3. at the top, potential energy is the amount of energy something has relative to the amount it can disperse before stopping, for example, a book on a shelf has more potential energy than that of a book on a table, this is because when the shelf book falls it will create more energy than the table book.
<h2><u><em>Well, you see, that depends. </em></u></h2><h2><u><em>The firsy thing we have to tak intp account is the angle at witch the sun's rays hit the earth, and that fact can make all the difference, seeing as it does discriminate against seasons. It's more likely that i the winter, a more drastic effect would talk.</em></u></h2><h2 /><h2 /><h2 /><h2>oωo</h2>
-Sensors are placed on dangerous machinery to detect motion, light, heat, pressure, or another stimulus. Their presence helps protect operators from injury while working on machines.
-Machinery, safety and factory floor sensors and switches help workers become more productive, efficient, and safe.
-Hazardous machines and systems are frequently equipped with safety elements (safety doors) with a locking mechanism to protect the operator. Their function is to prevent hazardous machine functions if the safety door is not closed and locked and to keep the safety door closed and locked until the risk of injury has passed.
The velocity of the rocket is 7.8 m/s