In 1798 the first smallpox vaccine was developed.Over the 18th and 19th centuries,systematic implementation of mass smallpox immunization culminated in its global eradication in 1979.
Gently clean the cut by wiping away blood or dirt with little water and diluted antibacterial liquid soap. Treat with antibiotic ointment. Carefully apply an over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotic cream, such as bacitracin, to minor cuts. Idk-
Answer: No.
Studying about diseases, their effect, cause and the prevention of diseases is known as Epidemiology, and the scientists that studies Epidermiology and take it as a professsion are called Epidermiologists.
From the question; assuming the epidemiologist who finds a correlation between the use of tanning beds and melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) in college-age women, the Epidermiologist can NOT conclude that tanning beds cause skin cancer BECAUSE the fact that the the use of tanning beds CORRELATE with melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) in college-age women does not PROOF THAT tanning beds cause skin cancer.
===>That is, the fact that something correlate with another thing does not make it the cause.