3 I don’t know but it may be movement
Product identifier – the brand name, chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name of the hazardous product.
Initial supplier identifier – the name, address and telephone number of either the Canadian manufacturer or the Canadian importer.
sweat glands
sweat glands are the only ones that can produce dermcidin, Nacl, urea and ammonia.
D) atomic radii increase from top to bottom of a group
Atomic radii trend along group:
As we move down the group atomic radii increased with increase of atomic number. The addition of electron in next level cause the atomic radii to increased. The hold of nucleus on valance shell become weaker because of shielding of electrons thus size of atom increased.
As the size of atom increases the ionization energy from top to bottom also decreases because it becomes easier to remove the electron because of less nuclear attraction and as more electrons are added the outer electrons becomes more shielded and away from nucleus.
Other options are incorrect because,
A) atomic radii increase from left to right across the period
Correct = atomic radii decreases from left to right across the period
B) ionization energy increases from top to bottom within a family
Correct = ionization energy decreases from top to bottom within a family
C) electronegativity decreases from left to right across a period
Correct = electronegativity increases from left to right across a period