It corresponds to a distance of 100 parsecs away from Earth.
The angle due to the change in position of a nearby object against the background stars it is known as parallax.
It is defined in a analytic way as it follows:

Where d is the distance to the star.
Equation (1) can be rewritten in terms of d:
Equation (2) represents the distance in a unit known as parsec (pc).
The parallax angle can be used to find out the distance by means of triangulation. Making a triangle between the nearby star, the Sun and the Earth (as is shown in the image below), knowing that the distance between the Earth and the Sun (150000000 Km), is defined as 1 astronomical unit (1AU).
For the case of (

Hence, it corresponds to a distance of 100 parsecs away from Earth.
Notice how a small parallax angle means that the object is farther away.
Key terms:
Parsec: Parallax of arc second
In a third-class lever, the effort force lies between the resistance force and the fulcrum. Some kinds of garden tools are examples of third-class levers. When you use a shovel, for example, you hold one end steady to act as the fulcrum, and you use your other hand to pull up on a load of dirt.
B. decreases while his angular speed remains unchanged.
His angular speed will always be the same as the wheel's angular speed, which remains constant as it's in uniform motion. As for linear speed, which is defined as the product of angular speed and distance r to the center of rotation, and his distance to center is decreasing, his linear speed must be decreasing as well.
c .... work is force x distance as a definition