The decline of the Whig party was an event in the 1850s.
Answer: Option 2.
From the time of 1830s to the time of starting of 1850s, the Whigs had joined the democrats and the two became the most powerful political party in the United States of America. In the year 1853, a Whig President, Millard Filmfore had occupied the White house also.
But two years later, in the year 1855, the Whig party completely declined and became extinct. The northern members of the Whig Party joined the anti slavery Republican party. The southern members of the Whig party joined the Navist American party and later the constitutional union party.
Explanation: Last time someone tried anything else, Russia ended up with Lenin, and China got Mao Zhedong. I'll take my flipping chances with this mess of a country any day.
A group of plants in the genus Pueraria, in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae.
Nepal Government Policies Towards Agriculture is based on the Constitution of Nepal (Article 51-e) emphasize agriculture development: protecting and promoting rights and interests of peasants and utilizing the land use policy for increasing production and productivity of agriculture and for commercialization.
Necessary and Proper Clause [article I, section 8].