I tried
You have to check a 12 year olds respiration rate by Siting them down and trying to relax. It's best to take the respiratory rate while sitting up in a chair or in bed. Measure their breathing rate by counting the number of times their chest or abdomen rises over the course of one minute. Then Record this number. Now you have to answer the first few questions based on that.
Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature are the big four vital signs.
8. Secondary assessments are used in order to determine the injury, how the injury occurred, how severe the injury is, and to eliminate further injury and that is why it is important.
9. It should only be performed when a person shows no signs of life or when they are unconscious, unresponsive, not breathing or not breathing normally.
In order to perform CPR, you need to check the scene and the person. Make sure the scene is safe, then tap the person on the shoulder and shout "Are you OK?" to ensure that the person needs help. Then pen the airway, Check for breathing, Push hard, push fast, deliver rescue breaths, continue CPR steps.
Frequency= velocity of light/wave length
Fr= 3×10^8/510×10^-9
Frequwency=5.88×10^14 Hz
To find the direction of this vector we need o find the angle that has a tangent of the y-component over the x-component:
but since we are in Q2 we have to add 180 degrees to that angle giving us 165.5 degrees