Water's relatively small size allows it to fit between individual atoms, driving them apart. Water's hydrophobic nature separates polar and non-polar substances. Water's polarity allows it to dissolve ionic and polar compounds.
2[H⁺] + [O²⁻] → H₂O
Half reactions are usually composed of components of oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction where one element is losing electrons while another is gaining so they can come together into a compound. The half-reaction shows part of a reaction where the combining elements are charged and the product, from the redox, is neutral.
In this case, the H⁺ is carrying the positive charge because it is donating an electron to O²⁻, which is the reason the O²⁻ is carrying the negative charge. Note that we need 2 H⁺ for every one O²⁻. The O is being reduced while the H is being oxidized.
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The reaction would take place with racemization.
The compound (R)-3-bromo 3-methylhexane contains has the leaving group attached to a tertiary carbon atom. When the leaving group is attached to a tertiary carbon atom, the compound undergoes nucleophilic substitution via SN1 mechanism. This mechanism involves the formation of a planar carbocation intermediate. The nucleophile may attack this intermediate from either faces, leading to racemization of the product.
Mg- is the isoelectronic of Na
Do the step 3 as outlined in the lab guide. record your results in the appropriate blank.