A. Kilo , K, multiplication by 1000
B. Centi, c
C. Deci, d
D. Mili, m
E. Mega, M
F. Micro, u
You need .556M HCL to neutralize that
about 0.9 mol
there are 22.990 g/mol of Na
20.7/22.99 = 0.900391 mol
about 0.9 mol
An amide may be produced by reacting an acid chloride with ammonia.
Definition: Cubic centimeter. A cubiccentimetre (cm3) is equal to thevolume of a cube with side length of 1 centimetre. It was the base unit ofvolume of the CGS system of units, and is a legitimate SI unit. It is equal to a millilitre (ml).
Convert ml to cm cubed - Conversion of Measurement Units