Elements are types of atoms that have a unique number of protons. In fact, from left to right, the periodic table is arranged by the number of protons that each element contains. oms make up matter. An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of an element.
22 is a
23 is d
24 is c
I believe the answers are correct.
The si unit used to measure weight is kilogram /kg
1) positive
2) carbocation
3) most stable
4) faster
A common test for the presence of alcohols can be achieved using the Lucas reagent. Lucas reagent is a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride.
The reaction of Lucas reagent reacts with alcohols leading to the formation of an alkyl chloride. Since the reaction proceeds via a carbocation mechanism, tertiary alcohols give an immediate reaction. Once a tertiary alcohol is mixed with Lucas reagent, the solution turns cloudy almost immediately indicating an instant positive reaction.
Secondary alcohols may turn cloudy within five minutes of mixing the solutions. Primary alcohols do not significantly react with Lucas reagent obviously because they do not form stable carbocations.
Therefore we can use the Lucas reagent to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.
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1. 2)
2. 3)
3. 4) Sr
4. 3)
5. 4)
6. 2)
7. 1)
8. 4)
9. 3)
10. 3)
11. SO3, H2SO4, Na2SO4
A) оксид меди (II) 2) CuO
Б) хлорид меди(II) 4) CuCl2
В) сульфит меди (II) 3) CuSO 3
Г) гидроксид меди (II) 1) Cu(OH)2
1. Fe+HCl= б) FeCl 2 +H 2
2.Fe+O2= в) Fe 3 O 4
3. Fe(OH) 3 = г)Fe 2 O 3 +H 2O
4. FeCl 2 +NaOH= а) Fe(OH) 2 +NaCl
14. 2Ca + O2 = 2CaO
CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + 2H2O