The period of the pendulum is 8.2 s
The period of a simple pendulum is given by the equation:

L is the length of the pendulum
g is the acceleration of gravity
T is the period
We notice that the period of a pendulum does not depend at all on its mass, but only on its length.
For the pendulum in this problem, we have
L = 16.8 m
(acceleration of gravity)
Therefore the period of this pendulum is

Use the concept of beat frequency to find the applicable final freqeuncy for 20Hz beat frequency.
Beat can be defined as 'the interference pattern between two sounds of slightly different frequencies0
The expression for beat frequency is given as

Final frequency
Initial frequency
The beat frequency for us is 25Hz and the initial frequency is 240Hz, then

Being an absolute value, two values are possible, both in addition and subtraction:

The two possible values are

Explained below:
Water quality is determined in terms of the physical, chemical and biological content of water. The quality of water of lakes and rivers variates with the seasons and also geographic areas, still in the absence of pollution. There are so many factors which affect water quality are as follows :
Dissolved oxygen
Litter and rubbish
Decayed organic materials
Toxic and hazardous substances
Oils, grease, and other chemicals
The speed is 0.2 meter per minute.
There is not enough information given in the question to determine the velocity.

<u>Accelerated Motion
When a body changes its speed at a constant rate, i.e. same changes take same times, then it has a constant acceleration. The acceleration can be positive or negative. In the first case, the speed increases, and in the second time, the speed lowers until it eventually stops. The equation for the speed vf at any time t is given by

where a is the acceleration, and vo is the initial speed
The train has two different types of motion. It first starts from rest and has a constant acceleration of
for 182 seconds. Then it brakes with a constant acceleration of
until it comes to a stop. We need to find the total distance traveled.
The equation for the distance is

Our data is

Let's compute the first distance X1

Now, we find the speed at the end of the first period of time

That is the speed the train is at the moment it starts to brake. We need to compute the time needed to stop the train, that is, to make vf=0

Computing the second distance

The total distance is