When the body temperature tends to rise, such as during physical exercise, the body begins to sweat. The sweat with high water content is secreted in the skin and when it evaporates into the environment, it cools the body. This is due to the property of water having high heat capacity. It carries with it a lot of heat per molecule (because water requires much energy – than most materials - for its temperature to rise by a degree) hence ideal for cooling. This is why on a hot day, sweating makes the skin feel cooler than the surrounding.
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Core is the layer of the sun is energy transferred between atoms.
The most widely accepted theory about the universe is the big bang theory.
<h3>What is big bounce theory?</h3>
The Big Bounce theory refers to the universe that is expanding and contracting, move back and forth in a big-picture timeline. The Big Bang theory was happened about 13.8 billion years ago when the universe began as a tiny, dense, ball that exploded. Many astronomers use the Big Bang theory to show how the universe began. But what caused this explosion in the first thing that is still a mystery. It has passed through many stages, which can be considered cosmological theories. The flat Earth, the geocentric model, heliocentricity, galactic centricity, the Big Bang, and the Inflationary Big Bang. In the Big Bounce theory, the universe is expanding and contracting, seesawing back and forth in a massively big-picture timeline more specific theory called "Big Bounce" theory proposes that the universe could collapse to the state where it is first started and then initiate another Big Bang.
So we can conclude that The Big Bang theory says that the universe came into being from a single more than 13 billion years ago.
Learn more about theory here: brainly.com/question/11555274
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