To make text bold, select and highlight the text first. Then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and press B on the keyboard. To make text italic, select and highlight the text first. Then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and then press the I on the keyboard
According to its structure I'd say that this is SEAL (<span>Software-Optimized Encryption Algorithm). It's difficult to describe how it works, because this kind of ciphers is very tricky. This algorithm uses 160 bit key and it uses 3 tables (R, S, T) to encode and decode.
I'll attach the image where you can see a process of creating a pseudo-random function:
D and B
Multicellular organisms thus have the competitive advantages of an increase in size without its limitations. They can have longer lifespans as they can continue living when individual cells die. Multicellularity also permits increasing complexity by allowing differentiation of cell types within one organism.
The only option can give IP addresses is the DHCP The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, because the DNS (Domain Name System) only translates IP addresses to a hostname, and WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) or WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) if for security network, doesn't matter if is a wireless router, in a network always DHCP gives the IP addresses.