The atomic mass would be 28.08535 amu. Multiply 27.9769 by .92297 = 25.803. Multiply 28.9765 by .046832 to get 1.357. Multiply 29.9738 by .03872 to get .925351136. Add 25.803 + 1.357 + .03872 to get 28.08535 amu
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what are you doing and how is your day ?
We write DE = q+w, where DE is the internal energy change and q and w are heat and work, respectively.
(b)Under what conditions will the quantities q and w be negative numbers?
q is negative when heat flows from the system to the surroundings, and w is negative when the system does work on the surroundings.
As an aside: In applying the first law, do we need to measure the internal energy of a system? Explain.
The absolute internal energy of a system cannot be measured, at least in any practical sense. The internal energy encompasses the kinetic energy of all moving particles in the system, including subatomic particles, as well as the electrostatic potential energies between all these particles. We can measure the change in internal energy (DE) as the result of a chemical or physical change, but we cannot determine the absolute internal energy of either the initial or the final state. The first law allows us to calculate the change in internal energy during a transformation by calculating the heat and work exchanged between the system and its surroundings.
Each molecule of O2 is made up of 2 oxygen atoms. So 1 mole of O2 molecules is made up of 2 moles of oxygen atoms. Therefore 1 mole of oxygen gas contains 2 moles of oxygen atoms. And 0.4 moles of oxygen gas contains 0.8 moles of oxygen atoms.
The ionic bond present between CaO molecule