We want to know if it's a compound or a mixture.
An example of a mixture is salt water: you can heat it hot enough to boil off the water, leaving only the salt. This is a physical change, which is how you know it's a mixture.
Something like gold is a compound: if you heat it, or hit it, you'll still only have gold. You can only break it down by chemical means, which is how you know it's a compound.
1) The risk of high cost due to increased resource requirements
2) The risk of late entry into the (a changed) market
The analysis being performed by the engineers = A cost benefit analysis to determine if a new technology should be developed
A cost-benefit analysis is a process of appraising or measuring the advantages, benefits of a policy, action or decision, so as to find the (equilibrium) balance point between the costs of the decision or action
The risk to be considered are;
1) The risk of high cost due to increased resource requirements
The increased cost required for the development of the new technology now which due to the unlikely existence of a similar invention in the market that will give them an advantage of increased profits
2) The risk of late entry into the (a changed) market
The changes in the consumer preferences, market landscape, and the likely introduction into the market of a similar invention by the competition in the near future which will reduce the amount of profits that can be gained from the invention
1. Identify the group that takes precedence in this case alkene hence this molecule is an alkene with a methyl group side chain.
2.Find the longest carbon chain where the functional group(alkene group in this case) has the lowest Carbon number
3.What are the side groups? One side group can be seen at carbon 2 this group is methyl
4. Naming, number separated by "," and number from letters by "-" so the compound should be
The correct option here is the first option
Covalent bond is the bond that involves the sharing of electrons between the participating atoms. The electrons (in the outermost shells of the atoms) that are involved this sharing are called the "shared pair" while those electrons (in the outermost shells of the atoms) that are not involved in this sharing are called the "lone pair". Bonding eventually leads to each of the participating atoms achieving it's octet configuration.
Carbon will bind covalently with fluorine (to form carbon tetrafluoride) with each of the electrons on the outermost shell of the carbon been shared covalently with fluorine atoms (that also requires just one electron to achieve it's octet configuration). Thus, at the end, we would have one carbon atom being covalently linked to four flourine atoms.