We need to find how many 1/4 groups are in 1 1/2.
I work better with decimals, so I'll just convert them into decimals. We're dividing to see how many people we need.
So, you'll need 6 runners for the relay race.
96.2857143 would be the answer because you add all the numbers together then divided by 7
The easiest way to solve this comparison without any unusual comparisons is to find a common denominator for the two fractions.
2/5 = 18/45
4/9 = 20/45
Since 20/45 is bigger than 18/45, we know that 4/9 is greater than 2/5
264 ounces
Step-by-step explanation:
#Convert Xan weight into ounces:

Convert Katie's 88 pounds 11 ounce to ounces:

The difference is calculated by subtracting Xan's from Katie's:

Hence, the difference between the weights is 264 ounces
f(-3) = 9
Step-by-step explanation:
Lets define f(a) first where a is any integer,
f(a) is found out by putting the integer in the function in place of the variable
So for the given question

In order to find f(-3) we will put -3 in place of x
So putting -3,

So, the value of function at -3 is 9 ..