Efficiency η of a Carnot engine is defined to be: <span>η = 1 - Tc / Th = (Th - Tc) / Th </span> <span>where </span> <span>Tc is the absolute temperature of the cold reservoir, and </span> <span>Th is the absolute temperature of the hot reservoir. </span>
<span>In this case, given is η=22% and Th - Tc = 75K </span> <span>Notice that although temperature difference is given in °C it has same numerical value in Kelvins because magnitude of the degree Celsius is exactly equal to that of the Kelvin (the difference between two scales is only in their starting points). </span>
<span>Th = (Th - Tc) / η </span> <span>Th = 75 / 0.22 = 341 K (rounded to closest number) </span> <span>Tc = Th - 75 = 266 K </span>
<span>Lower temperature is Tc = 266 K </span> <span>Higher temperature is Th = 341 K</span>