To protect the patient and health care personnel from infection. To reduce infections and find out how they started.
Answer:Headaches in the postpartum period can have a number of causes, some of which deserve medical attention. Total or nearly total regression of varicosities is expected after childbirth. Carpal tunnel syndrome is relieved in childbirth when the compression on the median nerve is lessened. Periodic numbness of the fingers usually disappears after childbirth unless carrying the baby aggravates the condition.
breaking the bag of waters if it hasn't already done so by itself. Administer any pain management and pushing with onset of contractions.
It is also called the Ellipsoidal Joint
The importance of the result (money, position in league or competition, team rivalry)
the nature of the game (contact sports are more likely to lead to violence, for example ice hockey versus bowls)
provocation (crowd chanting abuse, 'sledging' by other players)