So, we can assemble the options based or evaluation of there properties regarding getting an equilibrium or balanced state in a given time.We have the following rankings attributed to the elements:
- Silveringpot≥ aluminiumpot ≥ironskillet ≥glasscasseroldish ≥welldone steak ≥woodencuttingboard.
<u>Attaining equilibrium matters:</u>
When the materials are placed inside the oven, they attain a high temperature value causing it to be non touchable but some of the items has low value to attain the equilibrium state when comes in contact with other mediums. As these materials are also arranged based on that analyses.
Honest, the map is so tiny, and so fuzzy when I blow it up, I really can't see anything on it clearly. But I think maybe I do see a letter ' C ' in the eastern Mediterranean, with a curved line over to the southern Gaza strip, where it meets Sinai. So I'll say it's the Gaza Strip.
First introduce yourself. Start talking to him little by little. Compliment him, that’ll help. Make some jokes, and talk about stuff he is interested in. Make conversation. Try not to be overbearing.
α = 3×10^-5 K^-1
let ΔL be the change in length of the bar of metal, ΔT be the change in temperature, L be the original length of the metal bar and let α be the coefficient of linear expansion.
then, the coefficient of linear expansion is given by:
α = ΔL/(ΔT×L)
= (0.3×10^-3)/(100)(100×10^-3)
= 3×10^-5 K^-1
Therefore, the coefficient of linear expansion is 3×10^-5 K^-1
Because it's literally impossible to tell exactly where something that size is
located at any particular time.
And that's NOT because it's so small that we can't see it. It's because any
material object behaves as if it's made of waves, and the smaller the object is,
the more the size of its waves get to be like the same size as the object.
When you get down to things the size of subatomic particles, it doesn't make
sense any more to try and talk about where the particle actually "is", and we only
talk about the waves that define it, and how the waves all combine to become a
cloud of <em><u>probability</u></em> of where the particle is.
I know it sounds weird. But that's the way it is. Sorry.