Alright the way you can get permission to a copyrighted online source seems like a mystery. But when we think about it all we have to do is cite who made the source and what corporation made it.
BTW to learn how to cite your sources all you have to do is research about. Once you memorize the citing then it is straight forward! Good Luck :D.
Septic arthritis can<span> be caused by </span>bacterial<span>, viral or fungal infections. </span>Bacterial<span>infection with Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is the </span>most<span> common </span>cause<span>. ... Your body's reaction to the infection — including inflammation that </span>can<span> increase pressure and reduce blood flow within the </span>joint<span> — contributes to the </span>damage<span>.</span>
Your heart and arteries are working way to hard when obesity and poor diet are factors
D. Ebola. Very rare in the United States and is transmitted, mostly through wild animals. Although transmission can be via two human beings. No relation to alcohol use.
The veterinarian is likely to comb the ear
Because of fleas