Avoid riding on roadways. If there is a sidewalk you could ride on nearby, use it. Drivers get a little nervous if they're sharing the roadway with a bicycle. Avoid riding too long without breaks, you can get tired out and unintentionally harm yourself or others. Drink lots of water on the way, and wear helmets at all times, no matter how stupid you think they make you look. :)
Blood pressure measurement in the legs is achieved with an appropriate-sized cuff, applied at the mid-thigh. From there you listen to the popliteal artery.The patient should be in the prone position.The bladder of the cuff is approximately 40% of the circumference of the
thigh, while the length is approximately about 75% to 80% of this circumference.
C- safety belts don’t try and prevent falls
the right choice
ex. eating the oreo cream and leaving the cookie part for your siblings
The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of the workers. These measures include actions to prevent occupational risks and hardship at work, information and training actions, the setting up of an organization and adapted means.
The implementation of these measures is based on 9 general principles of prevention:
Avoid risks
Evaluate risks that can not be avoided
Fight risks that can not be avoided
Adapt the work to the man
Take into account the state of evolution of the technique
Replace what is dangerous with what is less dangerous
Plan prevention by integrating, technical, organization and working conditions
Take collective protection measures
Give appropriate instructions to workers