wen you stick to mangnetits togater
Chicken Feet Or Butt Whole
Call Me Girls!
The internal pressure increases as the gas is heated
To calculate the change in kinetic energy, you must know the force as a function of position. The work done by the force causes the kinetic energy change
The work-energy theorem states that the change in kinetic enegy of an object is equal to the work done on the object:

where the work done is the integral of the force over the position of the object:

As we see from the formula, the magnitude of the force F(x) can be dependent from the position of the object, therefore in order to solve correctly the integral and find the work done on the object, it is required to know the behaviour of the force as a function of the position, x.
I am a competitive figure skater. There are certain turns you can use such as a mowhawk, where you set one foot down that is facing the opposite direction from which you are gliding. There is a two foot turn, where you either go on or toes and turn backwards, or lean somewhat on your heals and turn forwards. Use your hips to help turn. And a 3 turn, which is basically a 2 foot turn on 1 foot. But remember, it takes practice, and you may fall a couple times.