A wire 54.6 cm long carries a 0.480 A current in the positive direction of an x axis through a magnetic field with an x componen
t of zero, a y component of 0.000420 T, and a z component of 0.0130 T. Find the (a) x, (b) y, and (c) z components of the magnetic force on the wire.
1 answer:
wire 66.0 cm long carries a 0.750 A current in the positive direction of an x axis through a magnetic field $$\vec { B } = ( 3.00 m T ) \hat { j } ...
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The moon comes between the sun and earth
C.) A girl hangs by both hands, motionless, from a trapeze.
Answer: west
Explanation: the sunset always sets in the west.
Running because kinetic energey is the engery created by motion
False. That's why sound cannot be heard in space.