The agent that kills bacteria is called bactericidal. Bactericidal agents act directly by destroying the present bacteria. It is also different from bacteriostatic, because bacteriostatic means the inhibition of the spread and growth of bacteria only.
The correct answer is A. Sexual reproduction produces a greater variation in offspring.
- B is wrong because in sexual reproduction there are two organisms involved who combine their DNA, therefore resulting in non-identical offsprings.
- C is wrong because sexual reproduction requires the two organisms involved to exchange DNA's whereas asexual reproduction involves only one organism which only copies it's own DNA for reproduction.
- D is wrong because there are no risks as genetic defects and no need to seek a mate or it is easier than sexual reproduction which results in lower risks for the parents in asexual reproduction.
- E is wrong because asexual production is a more efficient procedure and results in a faster growing population because there is no need to search a mate.
- The answer is A because in sexual reproduction, two different DNA's from both parents get combined resulting in more variation in offspring. In asexual reproduction, there is only one set of DNA which does not allow the gene's to mix, causing a less diverse offspring.
El dolor en la articulación metatarsofalángica se debe a cambios tisulares debidos a una biomecánica aberrante del pie. Los signos y síntomas incluyen dolor al caminar y dolor a la presión. El diagnóstico es clínico; sin embargo, deben realizarse estudios para excluir infecciones o enfermedades reumáticas sistémicas (como la artritis reumatoidea). El tratamiento incluye ortesis, a veces inyección local, y en ocasiones cirugía.
It is known as lactation. The suckling action of an infant produces prolactin, which leads to milk production; more suckling leads to more prolactin, which in turn leads to more lactation. This is a positive feedback system as the product (milk) produces more suckling and more hormone. When the child is no longer breast feeding, the prolactin drops off and milk production goes down.