Africa as a continent comprised of many countries with different cultures. But basically, the African cultures are known for some special things, and these are that, African culture is expressed in its arts and crafts, folklore and religion, clothing, cuisine, music and languages.
It should be understood that, African culture embraces the totality of the African way of life in all its forms and ramifications. This was made known to people,and subsequent helped in promoting group harmony and social responsibility.
Facial behavior has an innate, unlearned component.
The debate of nature vs. nurture is one of the most important ones in the social sciences. "Nature" states that some traits are innate to humans, and are already within us the moment we are born. On the other hand, "nurture" refers to the idea that it is society that teaches us some of our traits, and we adopt them based on our culture. What this research wants to show is that human facial behaviour has a component that is innate and unlearned.
Negative Punishment
<u>Negative punishment</u> is a method of operant conditioning which involves <u>removing a desirable stimulus after a client acts in an undesirable manner, to discourage that behavior</u> and reduce the likelihood of the behavior being repeated by the client in future.
your answer is
layoffs, Downsizing, and Outsourcing. A "layoff" is an action by an employer to terminate employees for lack of work. ... A "downsizing" simply means releasing employees because the operation no longer needs them; reorganization or restructuring of the institution has eliminated jobs.