I believe destructive interference
C. hydrogen accreted onto a white dwarf from a close companion rapidly fuses to helium, releasing a large amount of energy.
The accreted material, composed mainly of hydrogen, is compacted on the surface of the white dwarf due to the intense gravitational force on that place. As material accumulates, The white dwarf becomes increasingly hot, until it reaches the critical temperature for ignition of nuclear fusion.
Here we have assumed that increasing the mass of a glove will increase the surface area.
Injury is caused by the application of pressure at a point on the body. The application of pressure takes place via the area of the gloves. Pressure is given by

F = Force
A = Area to which the force is applied
So, a bigger glove will increase the surface area and reduce the pressure resulting in a lower chance of injury.
Hence, the statement is true.
As ice melts into water, kinetic energy is being added to the particles. This causes them to be 'excited' and they break the bonds that hold them together as a solid, resulting in a change of state: solid -> liquid.
As we may know, the change in state of an object is due to the change in the average kinetic energy of the particles.
This average kinetic energy is proportional to the temperature of the particles.
This is because heat is a form of energy; by adding energy to ice - heat, you "excite" the water molecules, breaking the interactions in the lattice structure and forming weaker, looser hydrogen-bonding interactions.
This causes the ice to melt. This is demonstrated in the image below.
More generally, when you remove energy - the object cools down, the particles move a lot slower. So slow, that they individually attract other molecules more than before, and this results in a physical change that also changes the state.